
Sliced Bread, waxy tapioca starch based product, chewy texture

Sliced Bread

Consumers prefer their bread choices to be chewy and soft in texture throughout its shelf life. SMS has unique solutions to deliver texturally perfect bread products.

KREATION®D8 our cook-up modified starch improves softness, chewiness, and moisture retention while extending shelf life at room temperature.

With an outstanding texture of waxy tapioca starch-based, BAKE-N-SOFT F1, improves soft and chewy texture, moisture retention and extends the shelf life of bread products.

Cheese Bread

Cheese Bread

SMS modified starches enable producers create the unique textural experience of Brazilian cheese bread.

The KREATION®D8 together with GENIGEL®42 allows improved texture and moisture retention with enhanced dough binding and conditioning.

GENIGEL®42 is a pregelatinized starch delivering improved dough binding, conditioning and moisture retention for chilled and frozen dough. KREATION®D8, a cook-up modified starch enhances softness and chewiness in mouth feel.

Mochi Bread

The unique chewy texture of mochi bread products for Asian markets can be achieved with VERITY 8. It enhances bread creating a unique soft and chewy texture popular with Asian consumers. 

Frozen Dough

Freeze and thaw stability is essential for good quality frozen bakery products.

Using KREATION®D8 improves softness and chewiness while delivering good freeze and thaw stability.

Cakes & Muffins

SMS helps to deliver unique texture for cake & muffin products through our portfolio of modified starch products. GENIGEL®42 is a pregelatinized starch for improving binding properties, moisture retention and shelf life extension.


KREATION®ES delivers a delicious crispy texture and enhances the puffing ability of cookies.

Puffs & Pastries

You can create a long-lasting  crispy texture with our KREATION®BK in your puff & pastry products. KREATION®BK is a cook-up starch used to achieve a desirable crispiness and meet changing consumer preferences.

High-Fiber Cookies

Create delicious high-fiber bakery products with our modified starch in high-fiber cookies. PHYBOPLUS 1 is a resistant starch that enhances fiber content and improves crispiness in cookie products. 

Egg-Free Cakes

Egg is an important ingredient in sponge cake. Eggs  emulsify, act as a leavening agent and create the bubbles in the cake structure.
SMS offers a solution to cater to the demand for Vegan, Cholesterol-Free and Allergen-Free cake products. A combination of EMULTEC®908 and VERITY 353 acts as an emulsifier and yolk replacement in cake formulation while helping producers overcome availability and price volatility problems in the egg market.

Gluten-Free Bread

Baking challenges can be overcome by using GENIGEL®42  and KREATION®D8 for improved dough binding properties, good moisture retention, dough conditioner, softness & chewiness, and shelf life extension. Meantime, PREMIO R7, the rice flour is specially designed to enhance bread structure for gluten-free desirable texture. 


Gluten-Free Cakes & Muffins

GENIGEL®42 helps to increase the batter viscosity, maintain good moisture retention and extend shelf life. This solves the challenge of gluten-free cake & muffin formula with improved volume, even cell structure and without imparting a grainy texture.

Gluten-free Cookies

In gluten-free recipes SMS 454 creates the unique texture of cookies with improved crispiness and puffing ability. Without gluten in the recipe, you can now make  delicious cookies without a dry, crumbly or grainy texture.


Solutions are here to help you create  a fresh and indulgent experience for your savory bakery products. Our SAUCETEC Series provides a superior viscosity and stability for your fillings, furnish glossy appearance, gives an excellent resistance to acid, heat, and shear process, and also extends  the shelf life of your products in the finest condition.

Bakable Fillings

Our KREATION®TU10 plays a role as a viscosifier and a stabilizer. You can ensure your filling has high resistance to all extremes without any texture or flavor changes and also prolongs shelf life. 

glazing, modified starch, egg yolk, egg wash


Beautify your baked products with a shiny appearance and glossy texture with VERITY 809 without using egg as an ingredient. Not using eggs to add glossy texture helps you save on production costs and shortens the preparation process with an excellent result. 

Butter Cream

Reducing fat in butter cream can cause a loss of the creamy texture. Our VERITY 353 has a high capacity for fat replacement, delivering the same creamy texture as original butter cream.

Marinated Meat

The key characteristic of marinated meat is maintaining even water absorption throughout the whole cut of meat, retaining the juiciness throughout the cooking process. Using KREATION®1202 increases cooking yield, provides juiciness without flavor or taste interference. You can make a phosphate-free formula with a satisfying texture and better stability to withstand many freeze and thaw cycles.

Cooked Ham

Consumers prefer cooked ham with a firm, elastic texture without purge. SMS provides starch solutions using KREATION® N-BIND, for enhancing firmness and smoothness, increasing cooking yield, reducing purge and decreasing process loss all without taste interference.

Clean Label Marinated Meat

In line with the rising demand for healthy and clean label food products, consumers are looking for meat with natural ingredients. SMS introduced an innovative clean label solution with Natura® Y68, a functional native starch, to reformulate marinated meat for a high cooking yield and juiciness without using phosphate.

predust starch, tapioca starch


Predust coating is applied to improve batter adhesion and create an attractive and crunchy appearance. This application also reduces production costs and improves production yields for batter mix products. Using the S-TEX®Series can improve adhesion and prevent blow-off during the predust step, especially S-TEX®PRO and our new S-TEX®A205 for the superior adhesion of the seafood substrate.

Click here to learn more about the benefits of S-TEX®PRO and S-TEX® A205 for adhesion property.


Batter & Breader

An attractive appearance and crispy texture can be created with the perfect premix formulation. SMS provides solutions for a variety crispiness levels. Using BATTER 225 can provide light crispiness and a puffy texture. While achieving crispiness with low oil uptake with using KREATION®MB or KREATION®BK.

Clean Label Batter & Breader

Premix formulators can create a clean label batter and breader by using Natura®STN, a functional native mung bean starch delivers enhanced puffing ability and reduces oil uptake. For deep-fried products, SMS presents PREMIO COAT 233 as a clean label solution to enhance desirable and prolonged crunchiness and reduce oil-uptaking while relying on natural ingredients. 


The preferable texture of tempura is characterized by distinctive puffiness with a light crispness. SMS provides a solution using KREATION®1202 for excellent puffiness and good expansion while using KREATION®BK to prolong crispiness and reduce oil uptake.

French Fries

SMS offers a non-GMO tapioca-based solution with certificates covering all food industries. SMS 707 & D-PERSE®DEX are designed for clear coating potato fries as it supports film-forming after the deep-frying process which results in lower oil absorption, an enhanced crispy texture as well as maintaining the desirable texture for a longer time.

Hence, SMS 707 & D-PERSE®DEX can help you deliver this outstanding world favorite to your market.

Mixed Beverage

To serve the mixed beverage to the consumer's satisfaction, the right mouthfeel and flavor are the key. This challenge is now solved with KREATION®FM tapioca based starch which acts as a mouthfeel enhancer. This modified starch helps to adjust each beverage to the right level of viscosity without interfering with the desirable taste

Flavor Powder

Here you can catch up to the changing customer demand. Our experts have configured emulsifying starch solutions to serve flavor manufacturers in delivering the full delectable taste with FLAVOTEC® D30FLAVOTEC® N286 and FLAVOTEC® N281 which enables excellent stability of oil-based flavor encapsulation.

Canned Drink

You can now adjust the viscosity and mouthfeel of your canned drink with our solutions LYTETEC® and D-PERSE®1 which have a  high tolerance to complex processing. These solutions act as a fat replacer with different level of performance. Our KREATION®621 proficiently delivers a creamy mouthfeel, smooth texture and viscosity without interfering with flavors.

Chocolate Compound

Serve the most popular sweet of all time with KREATION®A11CX that acts as a solid replacer and a stabilizer. Our starch solution provides a shinny and smooth appearance and retards melt-down, allowing you to deliver the most indulgent chocolate that consumers will love.

chocolate spread, modified starch, ช็อคโกแลตเงางาม

Water-Based Chocolate Spread

Make a perfect chocolate spread with EMULTEC 908® - a highly efficient emulsifier. It helps deliver incredible mouthfeel, prevent oil separation, and gives the excellent smooth and glossy appearance to ensure your consumer’s enjoyment.

Chewy Candy

Boost the chewiness of your tasty treat with KREATION®BK, the starch solution that improves your candy by delivering the right level of chewiness and texture while also reducing tooth packing.

Make sure your candies texture will be suitably chewy to the consumer’s enjoyment.

Gummy Candy

You can now make better gummy candy with KREATION®A11CX  the solution that acts as a gelatin replacer, providing low viscosity at high content, excellent film forming properties, as well as a shiny and smooth appearance.  

fruit candy, modified starch, แป้งมันสำปะหลังดัดแปร, ลูกอมผลไม้

Soft Fruit Candy

With our solution V-TEX® we can improve your soft fruit candy texture by delivering firmness and pulping, excellent binding properties, reducing tooth packing, and also giving outstanding tolerance through extreme processes.

Gelatin-Free Candy

Open up more choices to vegan consumers, you can create gelatin-free candy with excellent properties using KREATION® A115 – a total gelatin replacer. This starch solution provides ultra-performance like gelatin at a considerably lower cost.


Serve a soft and tender bite to consumers.

We introduce VERITY®353 the solution with capabilities as a gelatin replacer, which effectively develops body and firms the texture of marshmallow while also providing cost-optimization.

Molding Starch

Use KREATION®OP to facilitate your gummy-making process and enhance your jelly product with appropriate moisture retention. Additionally, this starch solution retards the stickiness between jelly and the mold with no taste interference. 

Processed Cheese

Our modified starch solutions are formulated to improve textural performance. KREATION® PC functions as a gelling agent and contributes to a smooth texture and glossy surface, partially replaces sodium caseinate, delivers excellent freeze-thaw stability, sliceabilty and shredability.

With KREAMERY® 755, we ensure you can serve processed cheese with these excellent properties and a highly desirable stringy texture.

Heat Resistant Cheese

This challenge is easily solved using KREATION®1305 for soft texture cheeses and KREATION®TU10 for hard texture cheeses.

You can produce cheese with a smooth texture and excellent resistance to high heat cooking conditions, improved freeze-thaw stability and get your cheese product sliced and shredded easily.

Dusting Powder

Shredded cheese is a widely used in numerous recipe in nowadays.

Meet the market with KREATION®OP the modified starch designed as a potato starch replacement that effectively prevents stickiness, provides a transparent appearance and flowability to your cheese product for your consumers to enjoy. 

Stirred Yogurt

We deliver the starch solutions to adjust the desirable texture along with the superior process tolerance and shelf-life stability. KREATION® Y910 and KREATION®TU10 proficiently improve the light-creamy texture to indulgent yogurt while KREATION®YD performs as a suitable choice to provide both light texture and extremely high process tolerance. With our yogurt solutions, we ensure to contribute an excellent resistance to double-heat treatment and glossy appearance in any shelf-stable yogurt and deliver yogurt texture that consumers want.  

Gelatin-Free Yogurt

More consumers choosing a diet without gelatin provides a challenge for producers. We provide you with an alternative option to totally replace gelatin in your yogurt recipe. KREAMERY®GF gives you a bouncy, springy and creamy texture. This modified starch can be used along with your viscosifying starch.

Zero Fat Yogurt

Healthy products for health-conscious consumers are a hit now. However, when fat is removed from yogurt, the product lacks the normal mouthfeel.

By this, SMS has introduced versatile solutions: D-PERSE®1 – a special tapioca maltodextrin, Natura R1 – a functional rice starch, and Natura G3 – a functional waxy rice starch that can mimic the mouthfeel of regular yogurt and provide the distinct creamy mouthfeel and fat-like experience as consumer’s preference.


Clean Label Yogurt

Consumers nowadays are more concerned about what they eat and chemical additives in their daily food.

You can now develop clean label yogurt with our functional native starches; Natura® Y68 is used to improve the creamy texture and Natura® Y808 to enhance the light texture. Both starches provide a glossy appearance and high tolerance to heat processes. 

With the outstanding transparency and excellent freeze and thaw stability of waxy tapioca-based, making our solutions fulfill the requirement of yogurt consumers.

Click to download the remarkable properties of Natura® Y68 and Natura® Y808.


Ice Cream

You can ensure the best condition of you ice cream with KREATION Y910, it effectively reduces ice crystal growth during freezing, provides a smooth texture, retards the ice crystal melt rate  while also increasing ice cream mix viscosity. The KREATION Y910 can be used to replace locust bean gum (LBG), a thickening and stabilizing agent in ice cream. Locust bean gum may be contaminated with ethylene oxide, which is prohibited in food production in the EU. Because of its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, ethylene oxide is used as a disinfectant. Ethylene oxide is a mutagen, carcinogen, and reproductive toxin. It may not cause an immediate health concern, but it does raise the risk when consumed over time. The use of LBG replacement can help to reduce the risk of Ethylene oxide contamination.

Introducing PROTIMATE® PB85 pea protein isolate, boasting 85% protein content, to amplify the protein levels in your ice cream product. Delivering a powerful protein punch, it's the perfect solution for enhancing nutritional value.

Ice Bar

To make your ice cream more memorable with an impressive mouthfeel, we recommend VERITY®353 to improve body texture and the texture of your ice-bar to deliver that indulgent mouthfeel and flavor. 

Low Fat Ice Cream

Keep up with the trend of low fat ice cream with LYTETEC, the solution that performs as fat replacer. You can keep delivering the right mouthfeel and texture to satisfy your consumer’s health conscious preferences.

Non-Dairy Creamer

Non-dairy creamer can now be improved with KREAM 21 to enhance emulsion stability, whitening and mouthfeel the same as milk in coffee and is also used to partially replace sodium caseinate for cost optimization.

Also, KREAM 1516 is recommended to be used for products that need higher oil emulsion.

Fat Powder & Coconut : Casein-Free

Sodium caseinate is well know as an emulsifier in dairy products which not only provides a good emulsion but also enhances the whiteness and mouthfeel of products.

KREAM 1516 is used as a sodium caseinate replacement with no risk of allergic reactions.

Mochi Film

KREATION®310 can improve the elasticity and strength of dough texture, enhance freeze-thaw stability, and extend your mochi’s shelf life. Along with KREATION®OP – a dusting powder, it ensures reduction of stickiness and tooth packing.

Crystal Mochi

Elevate your crystal mochi with a unique texture by using our solution KREATION®420 and KREATION®440 the starches that are formulated to give a glossy appearance, soft and chewy texture while also providing excellent freeze-thaw stability. 

Daifuku Mochi

Create this popular dessert with a chewy and glutinous texture with KREATION®D8 – the modified tapioca starch and PREMIO G9 – the waxy rice flour as dough improver that provide the right softness and elasticity to the mochi as well as excellent freeze-thaw stability. 

pregelatinized starch, instant mochi, maltodextrin, แป้งมันสำปะหลังดัดแปร, วิธีทำโมจิ

Instant Mochi

Your instant mochi can be easily prepared in cold water by combining GENIGEL®48 and D-PERSE®2 together. GENIGEL®48, our pregelatinized starch, helps improve the binding ability, patterned shapes, and softness while D-PERSE®2, our maltodextrin, functions as an excellent bulking agent to increase dough density.

Both solutions also provide freeze & thaw stability which is suitable for instant processing.

Tapioca Pearl, แป้งมันสำปะหลัง, ชานมไข่มุก, วิธีทำสาคู, สาคูไข่มุก, บัวลอย, modified starch

Tapioca Pearl

We solve this challenge with BAKE-N-SOFT F1, a modified waxy tapioca starch that delivers an excellent chewy texture, reduces cooking time and provides superior freeze and thaw stability. Our solutions using KREATION®NE can improve the softness and elasticity of your tapioca pearl with good resistance to cold processes.

Learn VDO how to make the chewy tapioca pearl here. 


Konjac Pearl

Konjac Pearl is now widely consumed  due to the current trend in weight management. With SMS solutions, you can meet the challenge of serving the best product with our modified starch KREATION®TU10 which helps to reduce water loss during storage, improve cooking yield and provides excellent heat stability. 

Waxy Rice Ball (Tang Yuan)

Your sweet glutinous rice balls can be enhanced with KREATION®D8. We developed a solution to enhance the soft and chewy texture while reducing cooking time. KREATION®D8  also provides excellent hot and cold water stability.


Serve this bouncy dessert in the right texture with KREATION®420, the starch solution formulated to increase viscosity and body of puddings. It also provides smoothness and glossy appearance, excellent resistance to heat, acid and shear while enhancing freeze-thaw stability. 

Vanilla Custard (Vla)

Make a silky-smooth custard to delight your customers with our modified starch, SAUCETEC HP5. This solution facilitates higher viscosity, glossy appearance and freeze & thaw stability while providing excellent heat, acid and shear resistance as well as prolonging your product’s shelf life.

Frozen Har Kow

Get the soft glutinous Har Kow with our KREATION®NE solution, which helps enhance the transparent appearance and elastic texture, provides excellent freeze-thaw stability and reduces dough cracking. 

Frozen Steamed Buns

Our solution KREATION®440 is formulated to solve the manufacturer’s primary challenges. Its high capacity for water retention provides the soft texture and reduces tooth packing while also enhancing  freeze-thaw stability. We ensure you will serve the consumers’ favorite steamed buns.

Frozen Dumpling

Clean Label Dumplings

Expand into the clean label diet with Natura®One – our functional waxy tapioca starch that gives the superior water-holding capacity and freeze-thaw stability. This clean label solution also effectively helps reduce retrogradation, dough cracking, cooking time, and enhance transparent appearance. 

With the unique property of waxy tapioca starch-based, it makes the outstanding transparent appearance of frozen dumpling products.

Frozen Gyoza

Perfect the texture with our modified starch, KREATION® 1305, the solution that gives your Gyoza the outstanding crispy texture on the outside and the soft elastic texture on the inside.

We can help you match your consumers tastes easier. 

Unleash a protein punch and delightful texture in your frozen product with PROTIMATE® PG28, a soy protein isolate. This innovative ingredient elevates your gyoza or any other frozen products, making it perfect for health-conscious consumers seeking a satisfying and protein-packed experience.

Frozen Sauce

Solve the challenge of developing a delicious ready meal with modified tapioca starch, SAUCETEC 637, this solution has been developed to increase viscosity and glossiness in the frozen product. It also provides excellent resistance to heat, acid, shear process, and also superior freeze-thaw stability. 

Frozen Rice

Get gently soft Jasmine rice  with our solution KREATION ® FM. This innovative solution retards the staling process of chilled rice and supports high capacity moisture retention, so that you deliver the right feel and texture to meet consumer’s trend.

Frozen Omelet

Deliver the right taste and texture of a freshly cooked meal with KREATION ® D8, the solution that proficiently improves the soft and smooth texture after the freeze-thaw process and also prevents syneresis during the freezing process. 

Boost protein in frozen omelets and other foods with PROTIMATE® PG28, the versatile plant-based protein solution. It's perfect for a healthy, protein-packed twist on your favorite recipes!

Phosphate-Free Marinated Meat

The key is to preserve the meat with both excellent appearance and texture. With the starch solution KREATION®1202, you will enhance meat product with a high cooking yield while improving juiciness with a phosphate-free flavorful marinade.

ham, modified starch, tapioca starch

Cooked Ham

Cooked ham is a brine-treated product that is produced with a tumbling and cooling treatment. KREATION® N-BIND efficiently improves juiciness, texture and cooking yield while being phosphate-free to keep your cooked ham product in the most desirable condition. 

Clean Label Marinated Meat

Health conscious consumers prefer to select products without chemical additives. Our Natura®Y68 meets their needs, it helps improve cooking yield, juiciness while providing a phosphate-free clean label solution for your meat product. 

Sausage & Meat Balls

Now that processed meats are widely consumed, there is a solution for you to deliver a superior quality product with our modified starch, KREATION®20CL, SUPREME BF6 that effectively boosts firmness, elasticity, water-holding capacity, and high thermal resistance. Get the right texture and taste for your consumer with SMS’s innovative solutions.  

Elevate your products with PROTIMATE® PG28, the ultimate solution for incorporating plant-based protein. This premium pea protein isolate, boasting 80% protein content, is the key ingredient for crafting delectable meat alternatives with a satisfying texture or fortifying existing products like processed meats for an added protein punch.

Corned Beef

For processed meat, a salt-cured beef product really needs water absorbents and binding agents. Our KREATION®BG provides ultimate performance in texturing and binging ability while also enhancing high thermal resistance, to guarantee that the excellent meat quality is preserved. 

Fried Meat Balls

Serving ready-made food to consumers requires many additives to improve the product’s properties. We created KREATION®BG to provide increased expansion for meat balls, prevent texture collapse after frying, and improve water binding capacity.

meat patty, modified starch, แป้งมันสำปะหลังดัดแปร

Meat Patty

Our solution BINDGEL® was created to solve the manufacturer’s challenges in enhancing binding properties, increasing cooking yield, and boosting holding capacity. Surely, you can serve the savory treat to meat lovers.  

Imitation Crab

To preserve the quality and utility of frozen meat products, KREATION®M2, our modified tapioca starch is here to help enhance firmness and elasticity for the desired texture. It also improves freeze-thaw stability, reducing drip loss at travel temperature.

Fish Ball

We formulated S-TEX®SP that performs as texturizer and binding agent to improve the elastic texture and water holding capacity while also increasing freeze-thaw stability to help you guarantee consumer satisfaction.

Fresh Wheat Noodles

Deliver savory noodles with KREATION®SS, the solution that improves softness and elasticity. We haves the solutions to provide what consumers are looking for in their fresh noodle dishes.

wheat noodle, instant noodle, modified starch, แป้งมันสำปะหลังดัดแปร, บะหมี่สุกเร็ว

Instant Wheat Noodles

You can go beyond the competitive instant noodle market with KREATION®NE to help you improve texture by imparting a favorable softness and elasticity suitable for each noodle style. Moreover, the solutions are optimized to reduce cooking time which meets key consumer preferences.

Boost protein and elevate quality in your instant or dried wheat noodles with PROTIMATE® PG28, the plant-based protein solution. Perfect for health-conscious consumers.

pasta, modified starch, แป้งมันสำปะหลังดัดแปร

Instant Pasta

VERITY®497, our pregelatinized starch, is specially formulated to provide excellent binding properties, giving the right texture and elasticity for your pasta even after reduced cooking times. With us, you can make sure to serve the best tasting pasta to your consumers.

Chilled and Frozen Wheat Noodles

Tap into the lifestyle of busy consumers with KREATION®D8, the solution designed to improve the softness and elasticity of the noodle texture during the chilling and freezing process. It also provides excellent freeze - thaw stability, to make sure the consumers will experience the right texture for their meal.

Long Life Wheat Noodles

KREATION®420 enables you to prolong noodle shelf life with high resistance to heat, acid, shear and high thermal processes while maintaining the softness and elasticity of the noodle texture. 

Clean Label Frozen Noodles

We provide the starch solution Natura® One that helps you produce clean label noodles without chemical additives. Absolutely, it improves elasticity and softness of the noodle texture and delivers excellent freeze-thaw stability.

Fresh / Dried Rice Noodles

We can help you with our starch solution SMS 700 and KREATION® MB produce fresh and dried rice noodle s with the right softness and elastic texture while reducing the uneven quality of raw materials, and also prolonging the noodles shelf life.   

Rice Vermicelli

You can now serve another alternative for people with gluten intolerance using KREATION®RT, the solution created to improve rice vermicelli with a firm and elastic texture, reduce the uneven quality of raw material, and also prolong shelf life.  

Instant Rice Noodles

In Asian cuisines, as popular as wheat noodles, rice noodle are consumed widely and also display prominently in various recipes. KREATION®D8 is designed to help enhance softness and elasticity for different textures. It also reduces cooking time for consumers so that they get the right texture with less preparation.

Fresh / Dried Glass Noodles

Glass noodles are generally cooked in oriental cuisines. Our tapioca starch solution SMS 707 provides the well-known transparent appearance, the right elasticity, and acts as a potato starch alternative. Let us help you serve the right dish to your consumers. 

pregelatinized starch, cereal bars, modified starch

Cereal Bars

A cereal bar is the composed of a multigrain mix and a binding agent which are formed together in a snack mold.
The smooth texture and preferable appearance are the key characteristics of cereal bars. SMS can help to formulate your cereal bar product using BINDGEL®, a pregelatinized starch, which functions as a binding agent to improve the binding property and provide a smooth, glossy texture.

coated nut, pregelatinized starch, modified starch, ถั่วเคลือบ ถั่วพองฟู

Coated Nuts

The most desirable attribute of coated nuts is its crispiness and expansion. You can achieve the perfect formulation using our pregelatinized starch, CRISPYTEC® Series, to provide the perfect crispy texture while also enhancing film-forming and puffing ability. Consumers will surely be satisfied with your products excellent crispness and high expansion.

high expansion coated nut, clean label, modified starch

Clean Label Coated Nuts

SMS offer a solutions to prove the challenges for clean label formulations via nutural ingredient. 

NATURA 265, our functional native starch solution, is specially formulated to develop appetizing crispy texture, desirable sensory, prolonged shelf-life while maintaining clean label formula that consumers trust. While Natura® Lite, a functional native starch, is suggested for imparting light crispness, good puffing ability, and good film-forming property. Consumers will experience excellent expansion and light crispness in a natural clean label recipe.

Natura® Lite based on waxy tapioca starch, its excellent expansion performs well in snack products. 

Click here to explore the outstanding properties of Natura® Lite.



Gluten-Free Coated Nuts

Create natural gluten-free recipes by using PREMIO COAT300 which delivers coated nuts with a light crispiness and high puffing ability. This solution can also be applied in clean label recipe.

Sugar-Free Coated Nuts

Not adding sugar in a coated nut formulation to attract health conscious consumers will require a change in the syrup recipe. SMS delivers the solution using KREATION®FM to function as a sugar replacer. The benefits include improved binding property and film forming. D-PERSE®2, a specialty maltodextrin, functions as a solid replacer and provides rapid dispersibility during syrup preparation.

Extruded Snacks, pregelatinized starch, waxy tapioca starch, ขนมขบเคี้ยว, ขนมอบกรอบ, แป้งมันสำปะหลัง

Direct Expansion Snacks

Create a unique texture with our modified starch in direct expansion snack products. V-TEX® is a pregelatinized starch for improving puffing ability and delivering a crispy texture. While KREATION®OP is a cook up starch for improving crispy texture and expansion property.

Indirect Expansion

Consumers prefer Snacks with crispiness, good puffing ability and uniformity.  SMS 700 can effectively perform these functions. While using KREATION®10CS improves crispiness and functions as a potato starch alternative.

Clean Label Extruded Snacks

In the case of formulating clean label extruded snack recipe, Natura® Lite and Natura® One perform excellently as texturizers impart a very light crispiness, increase puffing ability and enhance a smooth appearance.

Consumers will enjoy crispy snacks in a clean label recipe.

fabricated snack, modified starch, pregelatinized starch

Fabricated Snacks

The most important factor for fabricated snack products is the irresistible crispiness with a uniform appearance. Using SMS CRISPYTEC®Series enhances the binding property, puffing ability and delivers a crispy texture. It also functions as a processing aid to reduce the stickiness of dough during the cutting process while effectively reducing yield loss.

modified starch, wafer

Sheeted Wafers and Rolled Wafers

Achieving the desirable crispy texture without cracking due to fragility during transportation is the main challenge facing producers. Using KREATION®OP, our modified tapioca starch,  delivers improved crispness, high puffing ability, and a smooth appearance.

modified starch, wafer, เวเฟอร์อบกรอบ

Clean Label Wafers

Get crispy clean label wafer with Natura® STN. This enhances crispness and reduces cracking during production and distribution. The formulation can also be served in a clean label recipe.

Oil-based Seasoning Powder

SMS developed a plating agent, which functions by dry blending liquid onto a solid carrier creating a free-flowing oil-based powder. This plating agent, D-PERSE®CAPis a specially developed to increase surface area for excellent oil loading capacity. It can be applied with oil-based seasoning powder.  




Low Fat Mayonnaise

Reduction of fat in the recipe reduces the palatability and mouthfeel of the dressing. Solve the challenge by using LYTETEC® – a modified tapioca starch and Natura R1- a functional native rice starch as fat replace which efficiently provide richer mouthfeel nearly identical to a full fat recipe.


salad dressing, mayonnaise, modified starch, pregelatinized starch

Egg-Free Mayonnaise

Stability during storage and shelf life of these products is a critical factor. EMULTEC®908, a pregelatinized starch, functions as an emulsifier. It can prevent oil separation and provide a robust mouthfeel. EMULTEC®908 can be used as an egg yolk replacer in any mayonnaise recipe.

Heat & Freeze Stable Dressing

The homogeneous texture and stable viscosity throughout its shelf life are important factors for dressings. Select the proper thickening system which can withstand vigorous processing is at the heart of creating a successful product. Using KREATION®TU10, a thickening starch, can provide viscosity along with a smooth and glossy texture.

It also resists heat, acid, shear, and enables good freeze-thaw stability maintaining good appearance throughout the shelf life.

salad dressing, mayonnaise, modified starch, pregelatinized starch

Instant Mayonnaise

For cold process mayonnaise, we can improve the viscosity using our pregelatinized starches, GENIGEL®48 and GENIGEL®M78. The viscosity can be rapidly developed after dissolving our starch in room temperature water. The smooth and glossy texture can be achieved even if it passes through high acid or high shear processes.

clean label mayonnaise, salad dressing, วิธีการทำสลัด

Clean Label Mayonnaise & Dressing

To serve consumers in line with the healthy trend, SMS provides clean label solutions for mayonnaise and dressing lovers. Using Natura® Y808 as a functional native starch for your thickening system provides stable viscosity in dressings. This functional native starch can resist heat, acid, and high shear processes similar to modified starches. It can be applied in clean-label recipes. 


tomato sauce, ketchup, stability

Shelf Stable Soups, Sauces & Gravies

High viscosity and glossiness are important to the quality of soup and sauce products. Our SAUCETEC series, or KREATION®TU10 can be used as a thickener to achieve the desirable texture. 

The thickening starch provides excellent heat, acid and shear resistance. They maintain the preferable texture and stability of your products throughout the shelf life.

sauce, instant sauce, pregelatinized starch, modified starch

Instant Soups, Sauces & Gravies

GENIGEL®M78, a modified waxy tapioca starch, can be used as an instant thickener to develop viscosity and texture rapidly by dissolving the starches in ambient temperature water. With outstanding benefits of waxy tapioca starch, GENIGEL®M78 enhances transparency appearance and high tolerance with process and freeze/thaw conditions.

Click here to explore the remarkable functionalities of GENIGEL®M78.

soup sauce clean label

Clean Label Soups, Sauces & Gravies

To serve customers following the healthy lifestyle trend, SMS has developed clean label solutions for soup and sauce lovers. Using Natura® Y68 or Natura® Y808 as functional native starches for your thickening system helps to provide stable viscosity in soup, salad and gravy products.These functional native starches can resist heat, acid and high shear similar to modified starches.

Click to download the remarkable properties of Natura® Y68 and Natura® Y808.

Seasoning Paste

The most attractive aspect of pulping-textured food is its pulpy and grainy texture. To optimize the formulation cost, V-TEX®, a pregelatinized starch, functions as a pulping agent to provide pulping texture, good heat and acid resistance.

Seasoning Powder – Instant Thickener

GENIGEL®42, VERITY®497, BINDGEL® can be used as an instant thickener. They rapidly develop viscosity and texture by dissolving the starches in room temperature water. It’s the most convenient way to prepare instant food items.

Seasoning Powder – Bulking Agent

D-PERSE®2 is a maltodextrin covering a DE range between DE 8-12. This product performs well as a carrying agent without interfering with flavor or color.

Dry Kibble, อาหารสัุนัข, อาหารเม็ด, pregelatinized starch, modified starch

Dry Kibble

The appearance and texture of dry kibble are key attributes. Using KREATION®20CS, V-TEX® can improve firmness, crispness and facilitates good expansion of dry kibble.

Canned Pet Food

For producers requiring gelling agents, using SUPREME PM1 can provide a desirable jelly texture with resistance to heat, acid and high shear. It can also be used as a gelatin replacer. For producers requiring thickening, the SAUCETEC®Series or KREATION®TU10 can help to improve viscosity, high water holding capacity and provide resistance to high acid, shear and heat. These solutions help maintain good stability throughout the product’s shelf life.

Clean Label Canned Pet Food

Natura® Y68, Natura® Y808 To serve products in line with recent health trends, SMS provides clean label solutions for pet food as well. Using Natura® Y68 or Natura® Y808 as functional native starches as a thickening system provides stable viscosity. These functional native starches are resistant to heat, acid and high shear similar to modified starches. They can be applied in clean label recipes.

Semi-Moist Pet Food

Good binding capability is a crucial factor in the extrusion process for semi-moist pet food. Using SMS pregelatinized starches, STARGEL®S, BINDGEL®, VERITY 497 can help you to formulate products with good binding ability, resulting in a firm and elastic texture. Our modified starch products additionally function as an extrusion aid.

Dental Stick & Pet Chew

The attractive appearance and preferable texture is the main target of developing these increasingly popular products. SMS solutions BATTER 225, KREATION®5N can provide the firm and elastic texture desirable for this product range.


อาหารสุนัขสุขภาพดี, pet food, fiber fortification, อาหารเพ่ิมไฟเบอร์

Fiber Fortification in Animal Nutrition

Take care to your lovely pet by adding more fiber to their diet with our resistant starch, PHYBOPLUS 2. This fortifying starch contains 85% dietary fiber, reduces calories and also provides a stable structure for pet food products. This is the most suitable solution for dog lovers to treat their dogs with care.



Protein Fortification in Animal Nutrition

To make sure your lovely dog is strong and in good shape, we recommend PREMIO COAT 300, the functional flour, that provides rich protein content, binding properties, and an appropriate amount of carbohydrates. This solution guarantees your dog will have plenty of strength to enjoy their playful activities.


Beverage Emulsion

Our FLAVOTEC®N201 is designed to improve emulsion stability for a clouding agent and food color, it also contributes low viscosity which is suitable for high solid emulsion.


Non-Dairy Creamer, modified starch, ครีมเทียม, แทนเคซีน, caseinate replacer, ลดต้นทุน, แป้งมันสำปะหล

Non-dairy creamer

Non-dairy creamer can now be improved with KREAM 21 to enhance emulsion stability, whitening and mouthfeel the same as milk in coffee and is also used to partially replace sodium caseinate for cost optimization. Also, KREAM 1516 is recommended to be used for products that need higher oil emulsion.

Powdered Clouding Agent

Powdered Clouding Agent

KREATION® PR as a plating agent provides the most convenient way to transform emulsion into dry powder without a spray drying process, and facilitates a high loading capacity up to 60% with excellent free-flowing properties.

rice cracker, glossy, seaweed, arare, senbei

Rice Crackers

KREATION® 20CL can improve crispness texture, increase puffing ability, and also improve product appearance. SMS modified starch can be used as a binder and a glazing agent.  KREATION® A11CX can improve the adhesion of seaweed, provides a smooth and glossy surface of snack products.

baby cracker, rice cracker, organic tapioca starch

Baby Crackers

Snack for a baby should be allergen-free, clean, and organic. Tapioca Starch-LPC is a functional native starch with a very low chlorate level meeting all the regulations of European standards. Tapioca Starch-LPC is suitable for baby snacks with the label - 'natural ingredient'.  

organic starch, instant sauce

Organic Instant Soups, Sauces & Gravies

The market demand for organic food including organic instant soups, sauces, and gravies has been on the rise. Organic starch is a key ingredient in food recipes. ORGANICA 197, an organic pregelatinized tapioca starch serves as an instant thickener easily soluble without lumping. Its bland taste would make your soups and sauces naturally tasty and healthy. 

organic seasoning powder, organic pregelatinized starch

Organic Seasoning Powder

ORGANICA 128 is an organic maltodextrin specially developed for seasoning and premixed products. It can be used as a solid replacer improving flowability of the product. For the seasoning powder, ORGANICA 197 which is an organic pregelatinized starch can be used to improve the binding ability of seasoning on the product. 

High-Fiber Noodle

Adding fiber to traditional noodle is the wholesome solution to boost up healthiness. You can lift up the healthy diet with PHYBOPLUS 2  tapioca-based resistant starch, applicable for both fresh, dried & instant noodle. PHYBOPLUS 2 helps enrich fiber content, easy to process at 10-15% of flour, reduce calorie, smooth & elastic texture.


Solid Dosage Form

SMS provides the multi-functional direct compressible excipient, DAVAMED™C1 made from partially pregelatinized corn starch in compliance with the USP/EP standard. DAVAMED™C1 is a free-flowing powder with excellent binding capacity and excellent disintegration. The cost-effective DAVAMED™C1 can be applied in place of the more costly microcrystalline cellulose (MCC).

In addition, SMS offers a wide range of specialized excipients for your choices of the solid dosage form. TAPIOPHARM™119, a white free-flowing partially pregelatinized tapioca starch, functions as a filler/binder and disintegrant in the direct compression process. The fully pregelatinized tapioca starch, TAPIOPHARM™SG is recommended as a filler/binder in tablet with control release effects. TAPIOPHARM™DP3, a tapioca maltodextrin, and TAPIOPHARM™DPL, a dried pea glucose syrup, function as binders for direct compression. They are completely soluble in cold water making them suitable for chewable tablets. The low moisture native tapioca starch products, TAPIOPHARM™LY are excellent fillers/disintegration for wet granulation.

Liquid Dosage Form

Liquid Dosage Form

SMS presents TAPIOPHARM™L8, a hydroxypropyl tapioca starch which could be used as a thickening agent in liquid dosage form formulation. TAPIOPHARM™DP3, a tapioca maltodextrin, and TAPIOPHARM™DPL, a dried pea glucose syrup, enhance the sweetness and increase viscosity in liquid formulation with a pleasant mouthfeel. Furthermore, their anti-crystallization effect allows a liquid solution to remain stable. SMS also offers TAPIOPHARM™E35, an emulsifying tapioca starch as a solution for unstable clouding emulsion.

Herbal Supplements


The aforementioned problems can be solved with the pregelatinized tapioca starch, TAPIOPHARM™ VT, which provides good binding capacity and rapid disintegration. It is used as binder replacements and has no effect on taste.  

All Purpose Plant-based Meat

SMS has developed I-BIND®, an integrated mixture of plant-protein and food texturizer (Meatless Solution). I-BIND®, effectively enables excellent binding ability: mixing, freezing, grilling, deep-frying, and steaming process, while improving firm, bouncy, and juicy texture for plant-based proteins. With I-BIND®, you can now create meat-free products more easily than ever.

Plant-based meat products can be easily done with KREATION® N-BIND

Meatless Patty

Maintaining meat-like texture in plant-based meat products can be easily done with KREATION® N-BIND - the functional modified starch, specially designed for Methyl Cellulose replacement to provide excellent protein binding, high water binding, elasticity, fibrous like, juicy texture, and crumble prevention. 

Vegan Yogurt

Vegan Yogurt

The creamy and smooth texture of yogurt is as important as flavor with indulgent and desirable mouthfeel. However, taking away dairy ingredients in a vegan yogurt formulation without suitable corresponding replacers will affect the creamy texture due to lack of milk curd. SMS offers solutions for vegan yogurt formulations with comprehensive desirable tastes and texture. KREATION®Y910, modified tapioca starch, serves as a dairy alternative stabilizer and texturizer. For clean label yogurt, NATURA Y808, a functional native waxy tapioca starch, delivers outstanding texture and product stability. KREATION®Y910 and NATURA Y808 are specially developed to enhance viscosity, prevent whey-off, and instill excellent stability in high-process conditions.


vegan cheese

Vegan Cheese

With increasing popularity, vegan or plant-based cheeses are made of non-dairy ingredients carefully developed to still deliver the dairy flavors. To maintain the desirable cheese texture without dairy ingredients, SMS introduces a wide range of modified starches as dairy replacers for all vegan cheese formulations. BATTER 225 is formulated to proficiently build the cheese structure. SAUCETEC P11 is developed to balance creamy mouthfeel. EMULTEC®908 is used as an emulsifier in the cheese emulsion system. With these solutions, consumers can experience various vegan products with different profiles sure to be found delicious. 

Vegan Ice-cream

Vegan Ice-Cream

Deliver vegan-friendly ice-cream with enjoyable texture and mouthfeel with SMS modified starch solutions. KREATION®Y910 is a partial replacer of locust bean gum to increase ice-cream mixing viscosity, retard melting, reduce ice-crystal content during freezing, and improve the smoothness and creaminess of ice-cream.

plant-based beverage

Plant-Based Beverage

Enhance the mouthfeel of plant-based beverages with KREATION®FM. This modified starch solution helps to enrich creamy mouthfeel, maintain healthy nutrition contents, and preserve good taste and texture attributes in the plant-based beverage. Consumers will enjoy vegan beverages with an indulgent experience with KREATION®FM

Looking to add a protein punch to your beverages?  PROTIMATE® PB85 is the answer!  Made from peas, it's a natural way to boost protein content without sacrificing taste.   Perfect for health-conscious consumers, pea protein positions your drink as a nutritious and delicious choice.

low chlorate starch for baby Soup and sauce

Low Chlorate Soup & Sauce

Tapioca Starch-LPC is functional native starches with a very low chlorate level, specially developed as a clean label solution suitable for baby foods with desirable viscosity and texture preferred by children.

Organic Rice Cracker

Organic Rice Cracker

If going for organic, we offer ORGANICA T1, organic native tapioca starch, and ORGANICA 197, an organic pregelatinized tapioca starch to provide a light crispy texture and improve melt-ability, and puffing ability. The superior texture along with wellness could be achieved at the same time through these starch solutions.

Clean Label Fresh Noodle solution

Clean Label Fresh Noodle

The demand of clean label food is increasingly popular worldwide. Staying clean from natural ingredient while delivering great taste and texture is main key to impress consumer’s satisfaction.

Natura®N248 is specially designed to meet all qualities that consumers demand from clean label noodles, enhancing soft & chewy texture, shiny skin, reduced cooking time and excellent hot-water stability.

Eggless Sponge Cake

Eggless Sponge Cake

Our S-TEX V1 is specially developed as an egg replacer. S-TEX V1 provides excellent emulsifying properties inside the batter. During baking the foamy structure of baked products is improved and maintained, resulting in a desirable soft texture. S-TEX V1 is applicable for various kinds of sponge cakes and meets vegan-label requirements.

Plant-based Coffee Creamer

Plant-based Coffee Creamer

The target is to maintain a smooth and creamy mouthfeel in dairy-free coffee creamer identified as a healthy vegan choice. Plant-based ingredients such as almond, oat, and coconut milk are a common choice as milk replacers in dairy-free creamer. However, the lack of milk protein, especially sodium caseinate, results in poor emulsion, lack of whiteness, and creamy mouthfeel.

To overcome these challenges, KREAM® VG is specially developed for dairy-free creamer. It achieves high-oil loading, excellent emulsion stability, smooth and creamy mouthfeel. As a milk protein replacer, KREAM®VG is suitable for all kinds of spray-dried fat powder.

Vegan coconut creamer

Vegan Coconut Creamer

Coconut creamer is a popular addition to many kinds of foods and beverages. Coconut creamer provides appetizing taste, odor, and mouthfeel. Coconut cream is usually produced in powder form for convenient use. In a regular coconut creamer sodium caseinate derived from milk protein is still applied as an emulsifier.

To meet the needs of plant-based solutions, SMS offers a vegan solution with KREAM®VG, modified tapioca starch, serving as an excellent emulsifier in oil-based products and as a sodium caseinate replacer in vegan coconut creamer.

Granule Textured Protein I-TEX™ P1 as a texturized pea protein containing 80% prote

Granule Textured Protein

SMS offers I-TEX™ P1 as a texturized pea protein in granular type containing 80% protein, using to mimic pork & meat-like appearance with excellent firm, juicy, and chewy texture. I-TEX™ P1 is suitable to produce grounded meat, sausage, and meatball.

I-TEX™ P3 - Flake texturized pea protein containing 60% protein

Flake Textured Protein

I-TEX™ P37 - texturized pea protein in flake type containing 60% protein, performing excellent firm & juicy texture. I-TEX™ P37 is recommended for blending process to produce nuggets and fish burger.

I-TEX™ P5 – Chunk Textured protein type containing 80% protein

Chunk Textured Protein

I-TEX™ P5 – Chunk Textured protein type containing 80% protein, delivering chewy & fibrous texture. I-TEX™ P5 is well-performed through shredding and blending process to mimic meat-like appearance in various cuisines including meat patty, burger, nuggets, sausage, and chicken breast.

PROTIMATE P28, the isolated pea protein powder with firm texture

Plant Protein Powder

Adding protein to plant-based meat with PROTIMATE® PG28, the isolated pea protein powder with firm texture profiles for various meatless product applications.

I-MEATEX ™ S14 is an integrated mixture of plant-protein and food texturizer, providing firm & elast

Plant-based Surimi

I-MEATEX ™ S14, is specially designed for seafood-based products. I-MEATEX ™ S14 is an integrated mixture of plant-protein and food texturizer, providing firm & elastic, excellent freeze-thaw stability, and high process tolerance.

sms-underline Solution Portfolio sms-underline

The Superior functionalities to help youcreate all-kinds of plant-based meat
products with the Most Meat-like experience to catch consumer’s preference.

sms-underline Solution Partner sms-underline

We are a trusted partner delivering high quality modified starches
and world-class technical support to our customers worldwide.
