Clean Label sms-underline

Clean Label

Keep clean and maintain preferable functionalities. 

We realized how important that people on the go who have concerned about their dietary. The chemical sounding name in food label gave an unhealthy in consumers’ perception. That’s why we create clean label solutions Natura®Series, functional native starches to serve consumer’s demand. With its well performances in texturizing and thickening, Natura Series performs as a food ingredient which can be used in all kind of food products, and also remain the same flavor as the original texture and taste.

Gluten-Free sms-underline

Keep acceptable texturizing system with gluten-free formulation 

In the high increasing of population with gluten intolerance, we have taken that challenge to create a new way for them to enjoy their food with similar taste and texture. Due to gluten has the unique functional property creating taste and texture in food products. Taking off gluten in a bakery product does effect on the structure, texture and elasticity from poor dough elasticity, making dry and grainy texture. With SMS innovative starch solution KREATION®D8, you will effectively get the excellent water-holding capacity, giving out the soft and elastic baked goods, maintaining product’s volume, improving process ability and extending shelf life stability. You can deliver the eating experience as your consumers want.

Phosphate-Free sms-underline

Keep fresh texture along its shelf life without harmful to consumer’s health 

The excessive consumption of phosphate is harmful to health, therefore food manufacturers are recommended to label phosphate in food containing phosphate additive. Recently many types of fast food contain phosphate additive. The medical record appears that excessive phosphate consumption is associated with increased popularity of cardiovascular diseases. Because of the limitation of phosphate usage in food industry, SMS understands the fact and that’s why we provide the phosphate-free starch solution for meat marinade, the main food material for the fast food chain.
KREATION®1202 and KREATION®MJ can help you keep marinated meat with juiciness and freshness, high cooking yield even in a steamed, a frozen or a chilled condition, to serve the best product qualities to consumers and save their health from this concerned problem.
On top of that, SMS provides the clean label solution for consumers who prefer clean label food products. Natura®Y68, the functional native starch, provides high cooking yield and juiciness without using phosphate or any chemical in the formula. This solution fulfills the satisfaction of health-conscious consumers.

Low Fat sms-underline

Keep good health along with good palatability 

As commonly known, obesity has skyrocketed in nowadays and people are avoiding fat in food as possible as they can. However, deliciousness always comes together with fatty food. This brought us to solve the challenge with LYTETEC® and D-PERSE®1 starch solution, to give good mouthfeel and taste that very similar to fat in low calories products. Consumers can enjoy full fat mouthfeel mayonnaise with unpredictable low oil consumption.  Moreover, they can feel full fat taste of low fat yogurt, low fat sponge cake or low fat butter cake through SMS starch solutions.

Low Sugar sms-underline

Keep enjoy your favorite menu with less sugar  

The serious consequence of diabetes has come, thus low-sugar food and beverage consuming is what people is looking for. Not only due to the obesity threat, but also the limitation of sugar usage in recent years, many manufacturers have tried to reduce the dose of sugar in their product, upon each country’s regulation and the sugar tax. However, cutting sugar out from food has an effect on mouth feel and viscosity in food, and it leads to unstable food structure. By this, we emphasize this important matter and come up with the innovative starch solutions KREATION® FM as a mouthfeel enhancer without disrupting viscosity for low-fat beverage like drinking yogurt and 3-in-1 beverage. KREATION® 621 is created to increase viscosity like sugar does. SAUCETEC 637 is used to improve viscosity and glossy appearance for liquid food such as jam and sauce. It is now sure, you can deliver the low-fat sugary product with the right texture and standard for consumers to enjoy. 

High Fiber sms-underline

Keep your daily diet full of rich nutrition  

Fiber is one of essential nutrients of daily life. Getting enough Fiber in each day does uncountable benefit to your health. On the other hand, insufficient fiber intake per day can have a negative effect on health such as risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, and risk of cancer. This bring the golden opportunity for food manufacturers to reformulate their products toward healthier. Resistant starch has been introduced into the food market, with its high resistance to digestion which has characteristic as fiber but provides the better performance for food and bakery texture. We bring out PHYBOPLUS 1, the insoluble fiber fortifying starch that can help you formulate fiber-rich bakes goods without interfering taste, flavor, and texture of products. PHYBOPLUS 1 contains resistant starch that enables resist to digestive system, providing various health benefits like dietary and fiber acts. 

Non- GMO sms-underline

Keep be freshest for the best quality  

SMS Tapioca products are certified Non-GMO in accordance to Thailand government policy. Our Non-GMO has unique performance characteristics including viscosity profile and bland taste for food and non-food applications. Our sustainable value chain starts from farm fresh roots through continuous production and distribution with qualified technical support. We assure that all manufacturers and consumers will have tapioca products with Non-GMO guaranteed standard. 

Casein Replacer sms-underline

Keep perfect emulsification with cost optimization 

Nowadays, there are many people who are allergic to milk protein. Thus, non-dairy creamer in beverage has merged to be an alternative for people. However, the cost of sodium caseinate is quite high. Our emulsifying starch solution KREAM 21, KREAM 1516 and KREAM VG can effectively help solve this problem by providing an excellent emulsion stability and bland taste without interfering the flavor and functioning just as sodium caseinate. 

Fat Replacer sms-underline

Deliver your fatty food with the least spent  

It is deniable that fat with rich creamy texture and mouth feel makes food and bakery products taste way much more delicious than low-fat ones. However, to response to trend of low-fat food for good health, the fat replacer is extremely needed by low-calories products manufacturers, not only by its performance but its price as well. To make the better low-fat product, we proudly introduce starch solution LYTETEC and D-PERSE®1 which can help you optimize the cost of production but proficiently maintain the excellent performance in term of flavor, full mouthfeel and, creamy texture just as original fat does. We do replace fat for the better and healthier food for consumer to enjoy through our innovative solution. 

Gelatin Replacer sms-underline

Deliver your bouncing gummy jelly with less spend  

Gelatin is one of the most commonly used ingredients in many food products; gummy jelly, yogurt, and meat chunk in jelly. Gelatin’s properties are to improve gel formation, increase elasticity, glossy texture. Nevertheless, there is still a limitation for some consumers like; vegan and vegetarian. But we prove to blend that boundary by providing starch solutions KREATION® A115, KREATION PC, KREATION 5N with different level of gelatin for gummy jelly, enhancing an excellence of elastic, glossy, and chewy texture. KREAMERY GF is used to provide a sensory attribute of yogurt which is similar to gelatin. It also improves stability in yogurt. SUPREME PM1 is formulated to boost the glossy and elastic texture for meat chunk in jelly for pet food.  With these competitive solutions, you will surely get your cost optimized with the best outcome.

Potato Alternative sms-underline

Deliver potato starch alternative with preferable performance, security of supply and less spend 

In general, potato starch offers unique properties such as translucency, long gel structure, water-holding capacity, glossy and bland taste, applying in various application; noodles, processed meat, dumplings, and snack food. During recent years, potatoes have been in shortage crisis, many manufacturers had deal with the alternative solutions to continually run their food products. As SMS, we bring out the ultra-performance of modified tapioca starches for potato alternative solution. Providing various application uses; meat products – KREATION® M2 and KREATION® 10CL, frozen product – KREATION OP, KREATION D2 and snack products– KREATION® 10CS. With the impressive outcome in water retention, yield and texture improvement and freeze-thaw stability, we ensure to solve and replace all potatoes’ properties. 

Easy-to-Cook sms-underline

Keep it fast to experience the right taste  

Consumption rate of instant soup and noodle is highly increasing nowadays. The challenge for the on-the-go trend has laid on the faster rate of cooking time and how handy for consumer. To serve the fast-going lifestyle of consumer but still remain the favorable taste and texture, reducing cooking time and food preparation is vitally a key for food manufacturer to keep up. Our solutions KREATION® SS, KREATION® NE and GENIGEL® SERIES are formulated to facilitate in reducing time of instant noodle cooked and condensed soup, improve elastic texture and mouthfeel within the fastest time, and provide an excellent bland taste to reach out consumer’s lifestyle. 

Easy-to-Eat sms-underline

Keep it fresh to deliver the Quick meal  

As rapid growth as it is, Ready-To-Eat food and frozen food are on the go. By its convenience, we understand that consumers are looking for the right and fresh texture as they were just cooked. That’s why we create the modified starch solutions that are designed to keep the savory texture and taste as if freshly cooked meal, no more interference from water separation, hard texture, and ice crystallization. Our solutions KREATION®MB and KREATION®1202 are applied for meat marinates to improve juiciness of meat. For sauce and soup, SAUCETEC 637 performs as a performed thickener and stabilizer.

Easy-to-Prepare sms-underline

Keep it simple to prepare yours 

In this Do-It-Yourself (DIY) trend, people love what is easy to prepare and delivers excellent performance. An easy pre-mixed food and bakery preparation is in the hit to respond to people’s lifestyle. The challenge for the manufacturers is to provide the most convenient and easiest ingredient preparation to consumers. By that, we proudly present GENIGEL® SERIES modified starch solution for pre-mixes products as the cold water swelling starch, improving stability of the products during the process, softness and chewiness texture, excellence moisture retention and longer shelf life. With this new convenient way of cooking, we ensure to make your life easier and fulfill your satisfaction.

Easy-to-Transform sms-underline

Keep it simple and easy to transform  

Generally, transferring oil-based liquid into powder requires emulsion liquid with water process and passes on to spray dry, which consumes a long time and leads to flavor profile loss. To solve this problem, SMS comes up with the new One-Stop Station to short cut the transformation process in the easiest way with minimum loss. The ultra-innovative starch solution to convert oil and water-based into a free-flowing powder has emerged for food seasoning, oil-based vitamins, and other flavoring agents. D-PERSE®CAP, the excellent oil to powder transformer without spray drying, gives out the most convenient process with ultimate oil loading capacity. KREATION®PS, the modified starch with sponge-like structure, effectively increases surface for absorption capacity in order to keep the high condensed flavor with the minimized expense.

Bioplastic sms-underline

Nature to Nature 

Everyone has heard that plastic is a big environmental menace, however there is the better alternative to prevent our earth from becoming a plastic planet. This environmentally friendly alternative is “bioplastic” which is made from sustainable sources that naturally decays faster than traditional plastics. However, it is not widely used in plastic manufacturing because bioplastics are still expensive compared with conventional plastics.

SMS has developed innovative solutions to solve this challenge with TAPIOPLAST®, a thermoplastic starch produced from modified starch, that is easily decomposed by the microorganisms in soil at ambient temperatures. TAPIOPLAST® has excellent compatibility with PBAT, PLA and other biodegradable resins to create sustainable bioplastic materials at a reasonable cost with a controllable decomposition time.

Fresh mortar with excellent mobility sms-underline

To make a fresh mortar with good mobility but without the problematic stickiness of Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), SMS recommends an innovative starch ether “EXCELCON” which provides thickening, anti-sagging and anti-slipping properties to mortars with excellent workability for skim coat and wall tile adhesive.

EXCELCON 300 provides shear-thinning property to the mortar which is important for good workability to decrease work time and finish with better quality. For the thick-layer applications or wall tile adhesive, EXCELCON A850 provides high yield stress, improving the anti-sagging and anti-slipping property.

Combining HPMC and EXCELCON results in an optimized mortar suited for various applications; wall putty, skim coat, plastering mortar or tile adhesive at a competitive cost.

Improve Machine Efficiency sms-underline

One of the key factors for successful adhesive products is to increase machine operating speed which is usually limited by the setting time. 

SMS has developed a modified tapioca starch to overcome this challenge and improve productivity.

SMS GREEN416 was introduced to reduce the setting time of the glue to speed up green bond development and also helps to improve the adhesion strength of corrugated board even in 100% recycled paper applications.

This solution provides great benefits for corrugated board manufacturers including, faster machine speeds, higher productivity of at least 10-20% with excellent board quality, cost-saving, glue viscosity stability and environmental conservation.
